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Interested? Or Committed?...

When I was 18 I purchased my first guitar, it was gorgeous. A black acoustic, that gave off rock star vibes. I had visions of my friends and I sitting around campfires. Me jamming and them singing along to The Tragically Hip, Pearl Jam, and acoustic versions of Metallica. 

But learning guitar required weekly lessons, practicing daily, and working through the discomfort of sore fingers. Rinse and repeat until I became a campfire superstar. Turns out I was Interested in learning to play the guitar, but I wasn’t actually committed. I wasn’t willing to do what was necessary to get the end result. 

Wtf does this have to do with massage?

It illustrates my point below….

When you seek massage therapy for back pain, headaches, or insert pain point here……. 

Are you interested in getting results? Or are you committed?

What’s the difference? 

Interested clients are inconsistent. Doing the home care, and scheduling appointments are based on when they feel like it, if the circumstances are just right, or when it’s convenient.

Committed clients MAKE IT HAPPEN no matter what. They focus on the long-term results (reduced headaches). Not the short term gratification (scrolling social media instead of doing home care). They make the time for appointments, instead of making an appointment when they have the time.

Reaching your goals all comes down to your commitment level. Yes, without a doubt you need an RMT with skills, but the majority of results comes down to you. If you are going for a massage 1-2x a week, the massage therapist is seeing you for 1-2 hrs out of 168hrs/week. This makes your commitment essential.

committed client is going to have A LOT of compounded consistency going for them. Each massage and each day doing home care building on the last. In other words getting results. The jaw pain suffer is able to eat what they ACTUALLY want, not just what isn’t going to flare up their jaw pain.

An interested client will only see sporadic, if any improvements. This is because their participation is irregular. which is not conducive for creating change. 

People often think: “I’ll be committed WHEN….”
-I have time, when I’m not as busy
-When I have the money for it
-When I start seeing some improvement 

It doesn’t work that way.

True commitment is taking action, planning and doing the work BEFORE you see reduced back pain, jaw pain, headaches etc.

Reading this, you KNOW which camp you’re in, the interested, or the committed.

No shame if you aren’t committed just yet my friend. Let this info create some awareness. This may be a possibility for why you aren’t reaching your treatment goals. Don’t forget I am always here to help and meet your where you are. If you’re ready to commit, let’s do this thang and go all in on getting you relief.

Call/text 226-493-1502 to schedule your appointment

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or you can text/call:
(226) 493-1502

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